If you have been blocked , there is no need to panic. This could be, for example, an automatic behavioral block, if your actions are similar to advertisers who have previously violated the rules. Due to the fact that our accounts are created from large profiles, appeals are reviewed manually in 99% of cases. Therefore, it is not difficult to remove the block.
Before you send an appeal, look at your ad and resource through the eyes of the reviewer. Correct what may seem suspicious to an outsider.
If you can write in French or Spanish without errors, select this language in the advertising account settings (Administration - Settings - Interface language). Support in these languages responds faster and is often more loyal.
Below we will consider two options for filling out an appeal: on behalf of the business owner and a third-party advertising specialist. Do not copy the text, write in your own words. Template appeals may be automatically rejected.
Example No. 1. Filling out on behalf of a third-party specialist (Suspicious payments):
Contact person: Dmitry Milaev
Email: dko8u@yandex.ru
Please enter your Google Ads Client ID: Google Ads Account 676-106-1197
Website: https://mysite.com
Examples of keywords in one of your campaigns: buy cosmetics Moscow, online cosmetics store, cosmetics catalog, professional cosmetics store, professional cosmetics
Payment details can be found in the following path: Payment - Settings - Payer details
Address: st. Zhandarbekova, 6, 74
Postcode: 106002
City: Shymkent
Country of location of the billing address: Kazakhstan
Do you have one or more Google Ads accounts?: Multiple (they are not linked to a MCC account)
Are you promoting your own campaign?: I manage a client account (one or more)
Who pays for the ad display?: I pay with my personal card
Google Ads account payment method: Credit or debit card
Last payment date: 01/11/2023
In which countries are your products and services presented?: Kazakhstan
Provide a brief description of your business: Selling cosmetics online
How can we contact you in case of disconnection?: By email
Write at least 350 characters in the "Problem Description" field. You can describe the circumstances under which the blocking occurred, what actions or reasons you believe could have caused the blocking, and how you fixed any possible violations before filing an appeal. If you have had other blockings or are using a trust account, it is better to keep silent about these facts. Remember to be polite and friendly
Description of the problem: Hello. My name is Dmitry Milaev. I am a private specialist in setting up advertising in Google Ads. Now I am launching an advertisement for the sale of cosmetics (Website: https://mysite.com). Today, the advertisement stopped for 6-10 hours, and then a message appeared about the blocking with the reason "Suspicious payments". There are no unpaid expenses in the account, the advertisement was paid for from a personal bank card, there was no chargeback from the bank (I checked with the bank's support). I can confirm the payment method or provide the necessary statements for the card. I personally checked the advertising campaigns and the advertised resource. All Google Ads rules are observed. If any additional information is needed, let me know. I hope for your understanding and a speedy solution to the problem. Thank you in advance.
Example #2. Filling in on behalf of the business owner (Bypassing the system):
Contact person: Dmitry
Email: dko8u@yandex.ru
Please enter your Google Ads Client ID: Google Ads Account 676-106-1197
Website: https://mysite.com
Examples of keywords in one of your campaigns: buy cosmetics Moscow, online cosmetics store, cosmetics catalog, professional cosmetics store, professional cosmetics
Address: st. Zhandarbekova, 6, 74
Postcode: 106002
City: Shymkent
Country of location of the billing address: Kazakhstan
Do you have one or more Google Ads accounts?: One
Are you promoting your own campaign?: Yes
Who pays for the ad display?: I pay
Google Ads account payment method: Credit or debit card
Last payment date: 01/11/2023
In which countries are your products and services presented?: Kazakhstan
Please provide a brief description of your business: We are a cosmetics store. We sell professional cosmetics online and in retail stores
How can we contact you in case of disconnection?: By email
Problem Description: Good evening. On October 20, 2023, I launched an advertising campaign on this account. I advertise my cosmetics store. On October 26, 2023, my account was blocked. The reason for blocking was "Bypassing the system". I checked in Google Help that my ads do not violate the rules for posting on the advertising platform. I wrote to the layout designer of our site so that he checked the site. No prohibited scripts, programs or malware were found on the site. My previous ads were not rejected, the site has never been blocked. All information presented on the site and in the ads is reliable. I checked the content of my ads and did not find any violations that could have caused the blocking. Therefore, I ask you to consider the appeal and unblock the account so that we can continue advertising. Thank you for your understanding.
After sending
If you have a trust account and there are no violations , the blocking will definitely be removed (unless, of course, the human factor fails). Then, without major changes, the current advertising will no longer be checked, and you will be able to advertise without interruption.
If the moderator has rejected the appeal, you must correct the violations before launching advertising on a new account (otherwise, you are almost guaranteed to be blocked for the same reason). An article is available for our clients in which we have collected all the reasons for which Google can block .
We hope we were able to help you.
Sincerely, Dmitry Milaev and the SaveBalance team