- Result or refund 100% : we take full risks - if we cannot get your account unblocked or pass the verification, we will return all the money paid to us.
- All changes in advertising platforms are our concern : even if Google/Yandex/TikTok change the rules during the work process, we continue until the result or return the payment.
- No hidden conditions : no partial refunds or fees. If the task is not completed, you get the full amount back.
Details and legal formalities are below in the full terms and conditions.
1. General Provisions
1.1 These warranty terms (hereinafter referred to as the "Warranty") define the procedure and conditions under which brand SaveBalance (hereinafter referred to as the "Company", "Contractor") undertakes to achieve the desired result in the provision of services (unblocking an advertising account, successfully passing checks, confirming identity, etc.) or return to the Client (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer") 100% of the cost of the paid services. The Contractor shall indicate contact information sufficient for feedback and fulfillment of warranty obligations.
1.2 The Guarantee is an integral part of the Public Offer (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer"), published at: https://savebalance.com/blog/public_offer .
1.3 The guarantee is valid from the moment of full (100%) prepayment for services until the moment the result is achieved or until official notification of the impossibility of achieving it.
1.4 The guarantee applies exclusively to the services that the Contractor provides to the Client in the field of unblocking, checking and related consultations. The provision or sale of advertising accounts (ready-made, rent, etc.) is not covered by this guarantee. Any claims related to the acquisition of accounts are resolved individually and are not regulated by this document.
1.5 By making payment, the Customer confirms that he/she has read this Guarantee and accepts its terms in full.
2. The essence and scope of the guarantee
2.1 Essence : "Result or money back". If the Company does not complete the task directly related to the ordered service (unblocking, passing the check, etc.), then the Customer receives a full refund.
2.2 Volume : within the framework of the guarantee Contractor:
- Performs all necessary actions to remove the account block or successfully pass the verification (verification, confirmation of identity, business, etc.);
- If necessary, interact with the platform's support (Google Ads, Yandex Direct, TikTok Ads, etc.) as many times as necessary until it decides that further attempts are pointless;
- In case of failure, the Customer will be reimbursed 100% of the funds paid for the service.
3. Warranty terms and conditions
3.1 Customer's Responsibilities:
- Provide all necessary information and documents, reliable and up-to-date (passport data, details, access to accounts, screenshots of correspondence with support, if necessary);
- Do not independently undertake actions that could violate the rules of the advertising platform or lead to a new block (changing payment information without approval, publishing prohibited content, transferring an account to third parties without the knowledge of the Company, etc.);
- Follow all recommendations of the Contractor regarding account security and correct management of advertising campaigns.
3.2 Contractor's Responsibilities:
- The Company assumes all risks associated with possible changes in the rules of advertising platforms during the provision of the service. If Google, Yandex, TikTok, etc. introduce new requirements or change verification algorithms during the work, the Contractor continues to try to solve the problem. If this is impossible, 100% of the funds are returned to the Customer.
- The Company undertakes to inform the Customer of any actions that are carried out with the account and to take reasonable measures to maintain access and stable operation of the account.
3.3 Warranty Exclusions:
- If the Customer has provided knowingly false or counterfeit documents, as a result of which unblocking or verification is technically impossible (for example, the account is permanently blocked for serious violations);
- If, after the start of work, the Customer takes actions that contradict the Contractor’s advice or the platform rules, which leads to a new blocking or complicates the process (for example, launches advertising of black/gray traffic);
- If serious hidden circumstances are revealed that existed before the start of the provision of services (for example, the account was blacklisted on the platform without the right to restore), which the Customer failed to disclose.
4. Refund procedure
4.1 Grounds for return:
- Official recognition by the Company of the impossibility of achieving the result due to the fault of the Contractor (or for objective reasons independent of the actions of the Customer);
- Written (or confirmed by email/messenger) notification from the Company to the Customer that further attempts will not be successful.
4.2 Return period
Refunds are made within 7 (seven) calendar days from the date of sending the Customer a notification about the impossibility of achieving the result.
4.3 Amount of the amount to be returned
100% of the amount paid is returned. If there are bank or payment fees, they may be withheld or paid separately - by agreement of the parties or according to the contract.
5. Warranty claim procedure
5.1 If the Customer has any questions or doubts during the course of the work, he is obliged to promptly notify the Contractor about this (by e-mail or other agreed method).
5.2 The company reviews the request and begins an investigation or additional actions to resolve the problem within 1-3 business days.
5.3 If the Contractor confirms that it is not possible to resolve the problem, the Customer may initiate the return procedure in accordance with Section 4.
6. Liability and limitations
6.1 Contractor's Responsibilities:
- The Contractor shall bear liability within the limits of the cost of services paid by the Customer. No indirect damages (lost profits, etc.) shall be compensated;
- The Company is not responsible for the actions and decisions of the advertising platform that go beyond the agreed task, unless the terms of the guarantee are violated.
6.2 Limitations:
- If during the course of work it becomes clear that the Customer has misled the Client regarding the account status, advertising subject matter or other critical conditions, the Contractor has the right to refuse further obligations without refund;
- The warranty does not cover new blockages that occur after original result has been achieved or that are not related to the original task.
7. Confidentiality
7.1 Data exchange
All access and personal data received from the Customer are used only to perform work under warranty obligations.
7.2 Information security
The Company undertakes not to disclose or transfer confidential information to third parties, except in situations required by law or agreed upon in advance with the Customer.
8. Connection with the Public Offer and changes
8.1 This guarantee is an integral part of the Public Offer SaveBalance , located at: https://savebalance.com/blog/public_offer . In case of contradictions between the text of the Offer and the Guarantee, the provisions of the Guarantee in terms of returns and obligations for the result shall prevail.
8.2 SaveBalance reserves the right to change or supplement the terms of this Guarantee unilaterally by publishing a new version at the above address. The new version comes into force from the moment of publication, unless another term is specified upon posting.
9. Final Provisions
9.1 Issues not regulated by this Guarantee are governed by the relevant provisions of the Public Offer.
9.2 If any provision of the Guarantee is found to be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
9.3 All disputes and disagreements related to the Guarantee shall be resolved through negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the dispute shall be considered in accordance with the procedure specified in the Offer.